Forgetting the daily routine, relaxing,


close to the nature!


Would you like to spend your holidays in a quiet place


in the mids of a beautiful nature and scenic mountain peaks?


Family Außerhofer is glad to meet you!

The Wirthof is located near the village, in a quiet location and is an ideal starting point for easy or challenging walks in summer and for all winter sports in the winter.

But also in spring and autumn you can enjoy a wonderful nature and relaxation!

Arriving: street of the Pustertal valley to Bruneck, then direction Ahrntal valley and in Mühlen in Taufers turn left to Mühlwald


Family Außerhofer

We look forward to welcoming you to our farm and showing you our paradise here in Mühlwald.


  • In summer 2011, ‘Die Alm’ was filmed in Mühlwald for the German TV channel Pro-Sieben.
  • Mühlwald cheese hikes: Experience first-hand how cheese is produced: At Eggemoa (1300m), Mittermair (1400m) and Hochgruberhof (1600m).
  • Many village festivals take place in Mühlwald every summer, e.g. the church festival, the music festival and the fire brigade festival.
  • For some years now, the so-called ‘Standlzaubo’ has been organised every year or even every two years. Here, the village's associations work together to pass on customs and traditions to the population. There is also plenty of fun and games for the children. 



Familie Außerhofer

Wirthof 26

It - 39030 Mühlwald - Südtirol

Tel. 0474-653309


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as far as the eye can see!

Family Fun!

Pure relaxation!